Continuing Along...
* The world's largest stained glass window
* The volvo auto museum
Disclaimer for Illinois: I'm sure Illinois is not as lame as it looks here.
* The national dairy shrine visitor's center
* Ella's Animatronic Deli (lunch!)
* World's largest Flamingo (is it alive?)
* Fiberglass graveyard
* A "Ship shaped" car wash. Think my car will be ready for another wash?
* Paul Bunyan and Babe statues (I've only listed them once, but there appear to be many!)
* "Wisconsin's Finest Taxidermy and Cheese Shop" I couldn't make this stuff up!
* The Mall of America, of course
* A strangely large number of smiley face water towers
* World's Largest 'Booming' Prairie Chicken
How does a chicken boom?
* There's a "shoe fence" of some variety
* Viking ship replica
North Dakota, the farthest North of all the Dakotas
* World's Longest Piece of seamless steel siding
* St. Joseph's Chapel. A TINY little church, but, a tiny little Catholic church. Apparently mass is said there once a year.
Entering CANADA!
umm... I'm having trouble finding things in Manitoba. I could see the world's 2nd largest fire hydrant or maybe I could go see Happy Rock
* I could see the world's largest moose, or the world's tallest Ukrainian lady
* The world's largest Lily, the world's largest tomahawk, and the world's largest bunnock
What do you mean you don't know what a bunnock is? It's a horse's ankle bone.
* The world's largest softball, which is apparently named Suzie
* Canada's largest Buffalo, no name listed
* World's largest Easter Egg, Sausage, and Mallard duck.
* Canada's largest aluminum bat
* Alberta is also home to the world's largest tractor weather vane, pick axe, and wagon wheel
Alberta is really trying here to have some of the biggest stuff in the world. You can tell how much they want your attention. They're probably still hurt that no one knows who they are. Did I mention that they also have the world's largest beaver?